There are many things in life and in this world that have the potential to dis-empower, oppress, invalidate and chip away on a daily basis at our self-worth and who we know ourselves to be.
As much as we try to keep a positive mindset, in this age of information overload and distraction. We are constantly being fed images and scripts from outside of ourselves that overtime infiltrate our minds and diminish our own sense of self, which eventually impinges on our self concept and sense of identity.
Our Mana Motuhake is our right as divine human beings to be unique individuals and autonomous beings
Recognize that we are multidimensional beings
As multidimensional beings, we are capable of so much more than what we've been taught to 'think' and 'believe' on a three dimensional level. But as a collective, we've become so bogged down with our materialistic preoccupations, we've forgotten what life is really all about & who we are as divine human beings. We've stepped out of balance with our own nature and therefore our authentic identity.
It's easier to just go along with the world's 'current' version of who we are, but this has serious ramifications for ourselves that eventually 'show up' as disharmony, dysfunction, anxiety, disease and apathy.
By weeding out our inner-mindscapes we can use the power of intention to unearth all that has been buried within, all the treasure that is hiding within our souls, that is just waiting to be uncovered, heard, acknowledged, validated, held and reintegrated into wholeness again.
Our unique experience of life as individuals is as vast and many as the stars in the night sky. Therefore, we are the only real experts of our life and on a soul level, many of us know this, we feel it.
You hold within you-secreted for safekeeping in your heart-a great gift for this world
Bill Plotkin
Our life experiences are gifts of opportunity to become more intimate with ourselves, to become familiar and learn ourselves so that we can master ourselves.
When we take up these opportunities to step into unexplored terrain of who we are, we open up new dimensions of self and are presented with experiences to refine our unique bio-energetic field.
The more we fine tune our frequency, it becomes almost effortless to magnetise all that we desire in life because our unique life experiences then act as 'signposts' from our internal-compass showing us where our consciousness is at and where to next.
M-Powerment focuses on strengthening Mana (personal power), Moohiotanga (inner-knowing) and Mauri (life force).
Some Maaori believe that all people enter into this earth realm with Mana tangata and Mana Atua, human and divine power and that it is our birthright to express this mana through our Mana Motuhake-our individual and absolute right to be who we are.
However, people often devalue this intrinsic power by compromising their authentic self. By giving their power away to people and things outside of themselves that undervalue the gifts they carry within.
This limits and blocks the flow of Mauri/life force energy that is needed to manifest our heart's desires. Because we are going against our soul's leadership, in order to follow what we think we 'should' be doing based on external sources of information.
Information is just energy vibrating at different levels of consciousness..
This dis-track-tion away from our soul path devalues and diminishes our mauri-life force, our mana-personal power and our moohiotanga-intuitive knowing.
Evidence of this. may show up as low self-worth, social anxiety, addictions, co-dependency, victim mentalities, extreme escapism, over-materialistic & over consumption, impoverished mindsets, work-life stress, family dysfunction and a plethora of mental health issues.
The root of people's inner-conflict and disharmony can be traced back to a false sense of identity, a severed connection to spirituality and living up to someone else's & societies expectations of who they think they should be.
When we do this, we go against our own nature, we reject and abandon ourselves and as a consequence, we become out of sync with our inner-landscape, unique vibrational resonance and personal power.
Some people often live through lifetimes never knowing who they really are, what they're capable of and never realising their power and potential to manifest a fulfilling life that they love and in-joy.
Precious souls, this is not how life is meant to be!!
If you're not striving to do what you Love and enjoy, you’re basically wasting Your time
-Billy Joel
M-Powerment is based on three maaori values that we use to help explore, harness and cultivate the power and prowess of your in-divi-duality and your unique energetic blueprint. Your own unique resonance is what sets you a part from everyone else and it also connects you to the greater web of life through your energetic offerings and gifts.
We all have something to offer, and we've entered into a time where you uncovering your gifts is actually vital for the evolutionary growth of this world.
Te Pūtake Waiora can help to uncover your true nature, your natural inclinations and hidden abilities or what I like to call your very own supernatural powers!! We've formulated our own tools & pathways to help highlight your unique strengths and also work on areas that are challenging and blind-sighting to your growth.
They can be challenging and future focused which requires an unwavering commitment to one's personal growth.
Our therapeutic and growth plans are designed for each individual based on our our unique and tailor made assessments. By working on our individual selves first, we can help build your confidence through self-awareness, identity recovery and M-Powerment.
Are you ready to step into the most intimate and soulcentric part of who you are? Are you ready to uncover and unearth more of your adventure of awakening??
Our personal development pathways are the ultimate in self-care because they are a bonafide investment in you
If you are interested in building a strong foundation from the inside out, our services are for you!!
Thank you for your presence-mauri tu, mauri o ra!