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Our Ethical Guidelines

We follow the guidelines outlined by the New Zealand Association for Counselling (NZAC) code of ethics.


However, as Maaori Therapists/facilitators/educators operating a Maaori and spiritual based service, our ethical guidelines adhere first and foremost to the ethics of Te AO Maaori, Tikanga Maaori and the indigenous principles of right relationship.

Ethics According to Te Ao Maaori, Tikanga & The Principles of Right Relationship

Tikanga-Our methods, skills and techniques are guided by Traditional Tikanga Maaori.  Tikanga guides and directs correct thought, attitudes and behaviours.  This sets the precedence for appropriate behaviour & establishes a safe code of conduct.  

Whai-Koha-Respect & Care. All clients issues are seen as sacred and tapu.  Embodying non-judgement, respecting confidentiality, responsible caring, empathetic to a clients cultural position and understanding

Tautoko- Support and providing advocacy where required, but not enabling client to rely on us.  Acknowledging that progress is the clients own. Provide guidance if clients ask for it, empower but remain non-directive as the clients journey is their own.

Respect-All people and sentient beings of the Earth are sacred and deserve the utmost respect.
We demonstrate this through Mana and aroha ki te tangata, which means we give people respect and show unconditional positive regard, regardless of who they are, what they've done in their past or what their circumstances.  We uphold respect for ourselves as facilitators and conduits of transformation and we operate with integrity. We expect to be shown the same respect.

Responsibility-All peoples are accountable for the choices they make and the actions they take including both client and therapist.  There is no blame game when things do not go your or our way.  As therapists we are responsible for how we conduct ourselves and for upholding professionalism and integrity through our actions, client care & safety.

Reciprocity- We each get what we give, therefore clients are responsible for how much commitment, time and energy they invest into their healing & growth.  As therapists we are merely facilitators of this process. We ask that clients respect our own humaness, commitment, time and energy invested into this service by arranging and making payments on time, 'showing up' and also showing us the same respect that we give.
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