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Aroha ki te Tangata Support services

We believe that wrap around services, advocacy and support are sometimes needed when people are growing through major changes, soul initiations, awakenings and chaotic upheavals in life.  Healing and growth cycles can often be traumatic, chaotic and scary as we shed layers of our old selves and lives to make way for a new way of being, seeing and living.  Many people aren't blessed with a loving family that can provide the support needed to heal and grow.  In fact many often resort back to old bahaviours and patterns because they don't have the awhi and tautoko needed to sustain the motivation to keep growing.  Sometimes, someone walking alongside you who understands the struggle and who is relatatble can make the journey less of a burden and more of an adventure.


Due to our own background of hardship, our dealings with the system and our education and training, we can provide a supportive presence, information and direction that can help you stick it out on your journey.


If you are in need of support or advocacy, please contact us.



Cultural & Spiritual Consultancy for Therapists

Fern Plant


Te Putake Waiora is steeped in Wairuatanga and Maaoritanga.  Over the years we have encountered many practitioners who have found it difficult to navigate and integrate spiritual, soulcentric & indigenous components into their field of work. This is usually because a practitioner needs a sound understanding of the Maaori worldview and to connect to their own spirituality first, before they can truly and authentically facilitate this within their work.  When we are connected spiritually, the facilitation flows naturally as spirit connects all beings wairua ki te wairua regardless of race, culture or creed.


In our humble opinion, spirituality is the missing link in modern therapy & clinically driven practices. Although we are Maaori and operate from a Maaori worldview, Te Puutake Waiora integrates knowledge from the four directions to give a more multicultural and multidimensional experience of psychotherapy, personal development, soulcentric education & spiritual growth.


The simple tri-flow and integrations of Te Putake Waiora can be used within any type of work or for personal development.  This approach considers the uniqueness of every individual and their diverse circumstances.  As Maaori therapists, we see ourselves as a cultural bridge of understanding.


Our educational Background:


Our training as therapists is unique and specialised.  We both completed a Bachelors degree in applied social sciences specifically in Maaori Counselling.  This Maaori centered programme was called Te Whiuwhiu o te Hau and it was designed and co-ordinated by Maaori elders, healers and academics. This programme is no longer available, so we treasure this knowledge and see this work as sacred. We both bring a kete full of life & work experience in different aspects of the social services field and have various other skills and areas of study and research interests, including programme development, adult education, professional coaching, youth work, small business management and other areas of interest that anchor our unique approach to therapy to create something that is uniquely us.  Throughout this time we have also completed training in Traditional Maaori Healing, Reiki, Tu-taua, Spiritual development, Psychodrama & Psychodynamic therapies.






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