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Ko wai koe?
Who are you?


Honouring the healing wisdom and knowledge of our ancestors the Tangata Whenua, Indigenous people of these lands, 'The Land of first Light'.  We trust in traditional Indigenous knowledge and practices as they teach us to honour our duty as kaitiaki and help us live in right relationship with all of life to keep ourselves and the Earth in a state of harmony.  We trust that right relationship will always lead to the natural fulfilment of our needs, providing healing, vitality, sustainability, longevity, creativity, spiritual growth and to ensure the beneficence of all sentient life forms.  We respect, honour and revere the primordial Mother Papatuaanuku and and the source of our eternal nature Io Matua Kore as they guide and protect in everything we do.


Tihei Mauri ora, ki te wheiao, ki te ao marama!


Te Puutake Waiora-The Healing Spring within, is a service dedicated to the evolution of people and planet as both are intrinsically intertwined in a symbiotic relationship and therefore rely on each other for healing, growth and sustainability. 

"We are a service that believes in Post Traumatic Thriving"


As such, we help people return to their own inner-nature and resource to vitalise, heal, empower and grow. Our work is heavily influenced by the works of two tohunga, namely Reverand. Maaori Marsden and Te Arikirangi Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere.  Both have left behind crucial information to guide and help us navigate 'Te Ao Nukutere'-the swift turning of the world into the dawn of a new earth.  This new earth will ensure that we return to right relationship within ourselves, with all other sentient beings and with life.


We all have a central sun within where our light shines out from each and every one of us then flows out into the world as an electromagnetic field that can shift us into higher states of being.  Mauri or life force is crucial in ensuring that our inner light force shines. As Mauri therapists, we help to unshadow and release the beliefs, distorted thinking and programmed perceptions that essentially block your inner sun from shining and extending into the rest of the world.


We offer a fresh new paradigm approach to the healing, therapy & spiritual development community that is  RAW-Relational, Authentic and wholistic by nature. Te Puutake Waiora is fundamentally a wholistic wellness service, an educative apparatus and a healing formula for unearthing, strengthening and liberating one's own source of well-being in order to heal, grow and flow-er into all that you are.


Te Putake Waiora is also a simple Self-healing formula for recovering, re-membering and reclaiming one’s true identity through self-awareness, self-realization and self-revelation. We offer a very unique  pathway that acts as a bridge for elevating consciousness to help one return to their central sun within.


Our work focuses on the subtle forces of Mauri-life force, Mana-inner power/authority and Moohiotanga-inner-knowing and we have aptly named this M-Powerment, because all of these are required to reach our full potential as co-creative human beings. 


We weave together knowledge and tools from all four sacred directions.  We combine indigenous, western, eastern and spiritual philosophies and methods to form an integrated, wholistic & multidimensional approach to healing, personal development, growth and psycho-spiritual liberation.


Mauri tu-Mauri Ora!



This journey is about returning and reclaiming the powerful force and frequency that is YOU

"Through the journey of celf-realization and identity recovery, step by step, layer by layer, we return and unfurl into our whole nature.  Along the way we shed, we cry, we laugh and we experience what it feels to be consciousness in human form.  Along our pilgrimage to celf recovery we encounter many tests, challenges and initiations that are needed to grow into the next phase of our evolution and to push through our own psychological barriers, as we take up these challenges, we strengthen & vitalise our Mauri in the process.  This organic healing & growth process naturally shifts us into higher states of being and elevates our perception beyond the restricting senses of the physical into the energetic mind-fields of possibility and celf-actualization"

-Paula Pohatu (Mauri Therapist/Alchemist)


What You Can Expect from Te Puutake Waiora


Whakaoho Mauri

Awaken your Inner-Spark & Re-member who you are



Unbind & Shed all that you aren't



Bring to light inner-standing of your True Celf & Purpose


WhakaKaha-Whakamanatia-Strengthen & Elevate 

Reclaim your power & potential as a Self-Sufficient &

sovereign being

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